Sunday 24 February 2013

WEEK 5 (4-8 FEBRUARY 2013)


Proceed with the buletin., after done with it, i and Aina have submit the soft copy of buletin to Madam Hazila for rechecking.

On the other day, i have meet Madam Sofia, an Account and Finance Executive, she was giving me an assingnment that must be completed on the given due date. First, I must to complete all the frequency of an accomodation and facilities in IYC for the year 2006 until 2011 in a table for the comparison.

5th Feb, I have submit the task and she satisfied with it. Received a new task from her. Collected a data of facilities and accommodation for year 2011 until 2006 from Annual report and make the summarize from the data in a graph.

This is the occupancy trend in IYC for accommodation and facilities.

6th February, helping Mohammad Nazami to prepare the questionnaire for the previous sharing knowledge class. We have prepared a few question and a suggestion for the next class.

7th February, attend the Month Assembly (February) in the morning. After lunch hour, I got a new task from Madam Sofia. The same task that she was given before but it is for income of accommodation and facilities.

8th February, Madam Sofia gave the UBS System Reference and Exercise Book to us. Learn ad study about UBS system.

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