Sunday 24 February 2013

WEEK 3 (21-25 JANUARY 2013)

In week 3,
21st January, proceed with the task which is key in the data of output of stationery. So, I managed to completed all the task for 3 department, library, operation and administration and the task was submit to Madam Sanawiyah.

22nd January, proceed with create the new icon and applied it in the IYC website. Besides, Mr Fauzi ask me and my friend Wan Aina Athirah to create a design of  a Facebook and Twitter icon and linked it to its own site. Besides, Mr Fauzi was rejected the combo box and we have an idea to make an icon translate for the IYC website.

23rd January, Aina and me have showed the icon to Mr Fauzi and he was agreed with the icon and ask to change the layer and the background for the IYC website.

24th and 25th January, public holiday, Prophets Muhammad Birthday (Maulidur Rasul).

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