Sunday 24 February 2013

WEEK 7 (18-22 FEBRUARY 2013)

For week 7, we doesn't have a lot of task because most of them included executives and our supervisor involved in meeting. But, Madam Sofia, ask me to learn and have a try on UBS system.

20th February, all staff and practical students attend the "Fiesta Tahun Baru Cina" in Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil. The ceremony was officiated by the Minister of Youth and Sports, Dato' Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek.

21st February, I and Aina was received a task from Madam Sofia. She asked me to open an account by using UBS System. Madam Sofia was given us a trial balance of IYC for the year ended 31 December 2011. We had a tried even though we are not able to use it.

22nd February, after done with the task, Madam Sofia give another task which is key in all the accommodation and facilities in accommodation receipt for month of January and February into sales account.

WEEK 6 (11-15 FEBRUARY 2013)

For week 6,

11th-12th February, Public Holiday ( Chinese New Year)

13th February, I have completed and submit the task to Madam Sofia.

The images was the print screen from my task which is prepared a comparison on income from accommodation and facilities from 2011 to 2006 and it was shown in the line graph.

Mr Fauzi asked me to design a new logo for 25th Anniversary of IYC which is for Silver Jubilee.

First Design,

Second Design,
Third design,

Unfortunately, all the designed have been rejected.

WEEK 5 (4-8 FEBRUARY 2013)


Proceed with the buletin., after done with it, i and Aina have submit the soft copy of buletin to Madam Hazila for rechecking.

On the other day, i have meet Madam Sofia, an Account and Finance Executive, she was giving me an assingnment that must be completed on the given due date. First, I must to complete all the frequency of an accomodation and facilities in IYC for the year 2006 until 2011 in a table for the comparison.

5th Feb, I have submit the task and she satisfied with it. Received a new task from her. Collected a data of facilities and accommodation for year 2011 until 2006 from Annual report and make the summarize from the data in a graph.

This is the occupancy trend in IYC for accommodation and facilities.

6th February, helping Mohammad Nazami to prepare the questionnaire for the previous sharing knowledge class. We have prepared a few question and a suggestion for the next class.

7th February, attend the Month Assembly (February) in the morning. After lunch hour, I got a new task from Madam Sofia. The same task that she was given before but it is for income of accommodation and facilities.

8th February, Madam Sofia gave the UBS System Reference and Exercise Book to us. Learn ad study about UBS system.

WEEK 4 (28Jan- 1Feb 2013)

In week 4,
28th January, public holidays. (Thaipusam).

29th January, proceed with the last week task in the morning. On evening, meeting with Administration and the meeting was headed by Madam Hazila Kamaruddin, Administration Executive. In the meeting, the discussion about the problem that was mentioned in Management meeting before was held. After that, the director of IYC, Miss Azura, requested us (all IT practical student) to make an extra class which is to share an IT knowledge with all IYC staff.

30th January, make the buletin for previous month assembly that was held on 11th January 2013. Collected all the information and pictures for the day and submit the icon and new layer for website to Mr. Fauzi.

31st January, sharing IT knowledge class was held and have been presented by Mohammad Nazami, one of IT practical students. Sharing about android and smartphones to all staff in IYC. 
Preparing a title for the next presentation and i have decided to present about Twitter. So, i have found and collect an information about that social networking.

1st February, public holiday, (Federal Territory Day).

WEEK 3 (21-25 JANUARY 2013)

In week 3,
21st January, proceed with the task which is key in the data of output of stationery. So, I managed to completed all the task for 3 department, library, operation and administration and the task was submit to Madam Sanawiyah.

22nd January, proceed with create the new icon and applied it in the IYC website. Besides, Mr Fauzi ask me and my friend Wan Aina Athirah to create a design of  a Facebook and Twitter icon and linked it to its own site. Besides, Mr Fauzi was rejected the combo box and we have an idea to make an icon translate for the IYC website.

23rd January, Aina and me have showed the icon to Mr Fauzi and he was agreed with the icon and ask to change the layer and the background for the IYC website.

24th and 25th January, public holiday, Prophets Muhammad Birthday (Maulidur Rasul).

Monday 18 February 2013

WEEK 2 (14-18 JANUARY 2013)


For the week 2 in my internship, I have finished up my assignment that have given by Madam Sanawiyah and for the administration department was done.

Meeting with IT executive, Sir Mohd Fauzi. The discussion on improving the IYC portal. I and Wan Aina Athirah, a practical student, have received a task from him to find and design a new icon of KBS (Kementerian Belia & Sukan) agencies in Adobe Illustrator CS5 and Adobe Photoshop CS5.

The first design was rejected and he told us to create a new design which is can attracted people.

Applied the icon in website using Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.
Example of icon :

The company was used HTML to their website and I have edited the icon in their coding.

WEEK 1 (7-11 JAN 2013)

I have started my internship on 7th January 2013. On the first day, my supervisor, Madam Hazila, have gave an explanation about International Youth Centre (IYC) and short brief of her experience in handled practical student before this.

7th January, Madam Dewi have given me a job which is preparing the Information Board.

On 9th January, I've involved the IYC Portal's committee meeting and the discussion on improving the portal was held. The meeting has headed by En Mohd Fauzi, IT Executive.

Besides, Madam Sanawiyah, an administrative assistant, have given me an assignment to key-in the output of stationery for year 2012 and there is for administrative,operation, and library department. She was give me 2 weeks to settle down this assignment.

10th January, preparation for an assembly for the next day. I have making the gift and prepared the bookmarks for assembly.

On 11th January, an monthly assembly was held and all staff included practical student involved in this assembly. I and my friend need to record and take note for the minutes of meeting.